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“Using mobility apps: 5 cuidados com o carro na praia

16 Feb 2023
3 min reading

NGK points out what precautions the driver should take with the vehicle and driving on holiday


São Paulo, February 2023 NGK points out what care the driver needs to take with the vehicle and driving, many people plan to make that long-adore trip to the beach and enjoy the days of revelry with family or friends. Although, before, during and after taking the road, the driver should take some fundamental precautions with the vehicle. In order to help the driver to travel more calmly on holiday, and NGK, Japanese multinational specialist in ignition system, list five important recommendations to follow:

1) Perform a good wash on the vehicle just upon returning from the coast, including the bottom of the car;

2) Do not apply oil or vaseline to the bottom of the car because, in addition to assaulting the rubbers, The products allow dirt and particles to stick to the vehicle;

3) Avoid the use of kerosene, spray oil and diesel oil in the engine, because it's a very hot area of the car and, as they are flammable products, may cause an accident;

4) Run away from fuel with very low price and always request the invoice of supply;

5) On the return of the trip, whether the vehicle has faults or increased fuel consumption and, in a positive case, ask the reliable mechanic to perform an evaluation of the car.

According to Hiromori Mori, NGK do Brasil Technical Assistance consultant, before we hit the road, The driver needs to check the operation of the safety items, like tires (state and pressure), in addition to the lighting and documentation of the driver and the vehicle.

"During the trip, it is essential to examine the warning lamps that, in most vehicles, have two colors: yellow or amber, which indicate that a verification is required, but do not prevent the operation of the car; and red, who order to immediately stop the tour for verification", describes Mori. "After the trip, it's time to identify if there are abnormal faults or noises in the car."

Sea damage to cars

How the environment with sea air is more aggressive to the vehicle, preventive maintenance should be even more judicious. "The main components affected by the sea are the metallic, since they do not have a layer of protection, as supports, aluminum screws and parts, and rubber, who suffers chemical aggression and dryness", as well as taking the car to a reliable workshop and choosing the parts to be fitted to the vehicle.. "Ignition cables deserve special attention and should be checked and replaced when necessary, because the salt contained in the sea area facilitates electrical conductivity."

For residents of coastal regions, Mori recommends providing an annual inspection of body and structural items with a qualified professional. "When you notice problems with corrosion points, they should be treated so as not to affect the structural parts and, consequently, safety of the vehicle."

NGK products are manufactured to withstand adverse scenarios

"At NGK, we promote a series of tests to support the most diverse situations, in particular that of salt spray”, Hiromori account. "In this assessment, the parts are placed in a chamber with saline spray to generate a more aggressive environment and must withstand this scenario according to technical standards applied to the test. Thus, we can deliver a reliable, high-quality product to our customers."

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