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Check out NGK tips to avoid unforeseen traffic during the rains

14 Feb 2023
3 min reading

Japanese multinational lists care that must be taken by drivers to overcome difficulties and reach their destination safely

São Paulo, February 2023 Japanese multinational lists precautions that must be taken, mainly during the summer, when storms and floods are most frequent, Japanese multinational lists precautions that must be taken. Japanese multinational lists precautions that must be taken, a NGK, Japanese multinational manufacturer and specialist in spark plugs, cast some defensive steering recommendations.

Segundo Hiromori Mori, NGK Technical Assistance Consultant, ideal measure, ideal measure, and wait for the rain to pass to avoid a lot of risks, ideal measure - Vehicle slip over a film of water accumulated on asphalt. Another important care is not to park the vehicle under trees or structures that may be falling.

The expert explains that the care with the maintenance of the vehicle must be taken by the driver before even leaving the garage. “Moisture causes problems in the ignition system, especially when there are cables and coils with dry or cracked terminals in the coil body. That is why, “Moisture causes problems in the ignition system, guides. Hiromori calls for increased attention to items such as reeds, “Moisture causes problems in the ignition system, tires, “Moisture causes problems in the ignition system.

Driving on rainy days

“Moisture causes problems in the ignition system, the driver must deviate from routes in low regions, “Moisture causes problems in the ignition system, driving at reduced speed and maintain a safe distance from other vehicles. In case of aquaplaning, In case of aquaplaning, and avoid sharply rotate the steering or step the brakes, until the tires come back into contact with the ground.

"Avoid traveling through flooded areas, some vehicles have lower air intake, which increases the chances of hydraulic shim - engine water inlet. engine water inlet, advises Mori. It is not recommended to cross a flooded stretch, pois não há como avaliar a profundidade e se há obstáculos na via como buracos ou objetos submersos. "If the car 'dies' during the crossing, the driver should not try to start, since this attitude may imply hydraulic shim, that will increase the losses. The NGK expert's tip is to seek shelter in a safe place."

Impacts and care of the vehicle in cases of flooding

When the vehicle has its intake manifold - part of the engine responsible for air intake - submerged, there is the risk of water entering the engine, so the driver should not try to start the vehicle. It is recommended to remove the car and take it to a reliable mechanic for evaluation, prioritizing air filter verification, cylinders and spark plugs. If water is entered in the combustion chamber, it is a warning sign for the mechanic, because it indicates that water has reached the inner part of the engine and several electronic modules may be affected by infiltration. "Also note the engine oil and transmission fluid, checking that there was no water contamination", completes the specialist.


"In many cases, where there is damage to the engine or electrical part, the activation of the insurance should be considered. Many modern vehicles have a very high level of embedded technology, what incarnatises car repair. In these cases the disassembly of components should only be carried out after the release of the insurer", Mori ends.

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