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Biker Day: NGK gives tips for motorcycle review

10 Dec 2021
3 min reading
Especialista explica a importância da revisão preventiva para garantir segurança e evitar imprevistos no caminho São Paulo, julho de 2021 – With Motorcyclist Day approaching, que é comemorado em 27 de julho, and NGK, world's largest manufacturer and specialist in spark plugs, listed some tips for reviewing motorcycles, considered essential to ensure safety and avoid unforeseen events. Important item for the proper functioning of the two-wheeled vehicle, spark plugs require special attention from motorcyclists, because they work in more severe conditions on motorcycles than in cars. Revision Enquanto os motores dos automóveis têm a rotação de torque na faixa de 2,5 mil a 5 mil giros, a das motocicletas varia de 6 mil a 9 mil giros, in the case of low displacement, e de 9 mil a 12 mil giros, for medium and high displacement. "This rotation regime causes a more accentuated wear of the spark plugs, which can cause difficulty in the match, irregular slow gait, acceleration failure and increased fuel consumption", diz Hiromori Mori, NGK Technical Assistance Consultant. O especialista explica que a revisão das velas geralmente é realizada a cada seis meses ou 6 mil km rodados, embora algumas motos utilizem velas especiais com plano de 45 mil km, it is recommended to look at the vehicle manual. "In the inspection of spark plugs, it is also important to note the suppressive terminals ('pipes'), especially the rubber part that seals and prevents the engine from failing on rainy days", orient Mori. These parts are usually replaced every three years. Single cylinder motorcycles According to the expert, as motos monocilíndricas – que representam 90% do mercado, being more used by professional motorcyclists and people who want to escape the chaotic traffic of big cities or on the daily commute - they demand extra attention for preventive review, at risk of breakdown. "When a problem arises with the sail, the engine just won't start. The care with maintenance must be greater", stands out. on these motorcycles, maintenance is low cost. In case of difficulty in the match, the recommendation is not to insist to avoid inconveniences with battery discharge. "Usually, motorcycle batteries are small. If the rider insists on starting, battery can easily discharge. to avoid inconvenience, attention must be paid to maintenance of the ignition system, which is directly connected to the engine starter", affirms Mori. In addition to conventional candles, NGK offers motorcyclists a complete line of Iridium IX spark plugs that offer far superior performance than conventional spark plugs.. These sails are much sought after by those looking for faster accelerations, easier starting and more stable idling. Other items The specialist recommends making a list to check with the mechanic, including items like tires, lighting systems, brakes and transmission, in addition to the motorcycle's ignition system. In addition to the risk for the motorcyclist and the pillion, sudden defects bring unexpected expenses and, often, avoidable. With complete and periodic review, the rider can program to maintain the health of the bike. "Ideally, maintenance should always be preventive. The need for corrective maintenance, when there is already a problem, may mean that the vehicle was neglected", alert Mori. Choice of workshop The specialist always recommends seeking references from the workshop where the review will be carried out. The choice should not be made just by price or proximity.. "There was a change in the relationship with the workshops. Today, many customers look for it based on testimonials on social media and the internet. If you need to choose a new mechanic, these prints can be a great reference", concludes Mori. Download

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