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NGK gives tips on caring for vehicles in winter

10 Dec 2021
2 min reading
Lower temperatures can impact performance and cause inconvenience São Paulo, June 2021 – Winter has barely started and some regions in Brazil are already setting records for minimum temperatures. E não apenas as pessoas são afetadas por essa mudança – é fundamental atentar para os efeitos do frio nos carros a fim de garantir seu funcionamento adequado nesse período. Spark plugs Segundo Hiromori Mori, NGK Technical Assistance Consultant, Worn spark plugs and cables contribute to the engine not running at full capacity during the winter. "On colder days, when the engine is fueled with ethanol, it is necessary that the spark plugs and ignition cables are in excellent condition , as these components work under severe pressure and high temperature conditions. So that there is no inconvenience in vehicle departure, inspection of parts regularly is recommended., because the wear is not always noticeable", afirma Hiromori. Gasoline Reservoir Drivers should also be aware of car models that have a gas tank. It is important that the six pack is always filled with new fuel from good sources. Cold Start System Another important precaution is that the cold start system is operating correctly and without leaks. In situations where the starter fails, insisting on starting the engine can soak the spark plugs.. The expert's recommendation is to turn off the vehicle and wait for the fuel to evaporate. For the most modern systems, where there is no gas tank, maintenance of the ignition system is also critical., to make it easier to start the engine on cold days. engine control system For Flex Vehicle Owners, when there is a change of fuel, Hiromori recomenda percorrer de 10 a 15 quilômetros antes de deixar o carro com o motor desligado por um longo período. This because, according to the expert, it is necessary for the engine control system to recognize the new fuel and reprogram the operating strategy, even during the cold start. In the most modern vehicles, fuel recognition is performed more often during engine operation, which avoids the recognition problem when switching fuel. Download

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