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NGK gives tips on caring for a stationary car during and after quarantine

10 Dec 2021
2 min reading
A NGK, ignition system specialist, is attentive to the developments of the Coronavirus pandemic and gives some tips on car care during and after quarantine, due to the prolonged period when it is turned off. Generally, the fact that a vehicle is stopped for a long time, does not bring great harm to sails, cables and coil. But, there is a very common practice of starting the vehicle in the garage at home for a few minutes, to avoid battery drain. Nonetheless, the recommended thing is to avoid this initiative, as the accumulation of contaminating gases can occur in closed environments, in addition to causing problems for the spark plugs. In the case of older and carbureted vehicles, the level of emissions is naturally higher and care must be redoubled. "Carbureted vehicles present yet another problem, which is the use of the choke. This can lead to candle carbonization., in the case of gasoline vehicles, and to the drenching, in those powered by ethanol", explains Hiromori Mori, NGK do Brasil Technical Assistance consultant. Another point of attention is how to put the engine to work without using force, o que pode provocar a carbonização das velas. "Furthermore, the ideal is to make all vehicle fluids circulate and reach the ideal working temperature, among them engine oil, streaming, coolant, between others. It is common that, principally, the battery, fail, when it's not in perfect condition. Ignition system and, principally, spark plugs in good condition facilitate starting and reduce the stress on the battery at the time of departure", emphasizes Mori. Cuidados Uma alternativa para evitar problemas no sistema de ignição é, for example, in cities where there are no severe restrictions on locomotion, take a quick ride with the vehicle, keeping engine speed constant, próxima de 3 mil rpm, por 10 a 15 minutos. “By doing this, biweekly, a series of problems is avoided. In cities where there is a strong restriction on travel, it is not possible to put the vehicle into operation", comments the consultant. When the end of quarantine is declared, it is necessary to assess the condition of the car. "The recommended for new vehicles, is to follow the maintenance plan recommended by the assembler. For those older vehicles, in which we do not have a reference of the maintenance performed, the most prudent is before resuming normal use of the vehicle, take it to a trusted mechanic, to assess the need to perform some preventive maintenance. If the user notices any irregularity in the vehicle's operation, he should see his mechanic for an evaluation., ensuring a return to the streets without any unpleasant surprises", complements Mori. In this way, the main tip is to maintain periodic vehicle maintenance. "Cars in good condition are less likely to have problems, when they spend some time idle. Correct maintenance of the spark plug ignition system, cables and coils, makes it easier to start the engine and ensures a smoother return to activities", Mori ends. Download

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