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Niterra highlights three tips for proper pricing in workshops

28 Aug 2023
3 min reading

Brand that has a solid partnership with the automotive repair market lists the recommendations in defining the value of parts and services


São Paulo, July 2023 - In order to assist mechanics and workshops, a Niterra, Japanese multinational owner of the NGK and NTK brands and specialist in components for ignition systems, highlights some indispensable elements on pricing and solutions that add value to the services offered to customers.


Segundo Hiromori Mori, Technical Assistance Consultant at Niterra do Brasil, The challenges lie in how to diagnose a defect quickly, correctly identify part codes and quote them appropriately. The definition of the value of labor is extremely strategic and requires attention. "If you price above average, Often you will lose budgets or even give a wrong impression. On the other hand, Lower than expected prices can generate profitability problems for the workshop. In both cases there is a wear and tear between the customer and the mechanic, should be avoided as much as possible.", says the expert.


Check out Niterra's tips:


  1. Correct pricing ensures profitability: at this time, All factors must be taken into account, whether direct or indirect costs, so as not to generate damage. Proper pricing ensures profitable margins for the service provider and prevents the prices charged from being above the market range;


  1. Low quality parts discredit the price charged: according to the technician, The main mistake is the use of inferior parts to "close" the budget. In many cases, The use of these parts generates rework, making the workshop pay for the manpower. This has a direct impact on the pricing process and generates customer dissatisfaction. Everyone loses;


  1. Technology can contribute to the optimization of deliveries: Today there is a series of software that helps in the day to day, among them we can highlight:: Service manuals; parts catalogs; Budgeting and Sending Programs to the Client; parts search platforms that use the license plate of the vehicle to ensure assertiveness in the selection, facilitating the mechanic's routine.


"The area is in constant technological evolution, e, Sure, It's important to always be aligned, offering an agile service and according to the customer's need. These new tools can help when it comes to balancing workshop prices and raising the value perceived by the consumer.", highlights the consultant.


Services that can contribute to the day-to-day running of the industry

To help professionals in their routine, Niterra offers a range of services. Among them stand out:

  • Parts catalogues, in desktop and mobile app format;
  • Training videos available on the website;
  • E-zact, Connection solution between workshops and auto parts;
  • Technical manuals and technical information on NGK and NTK products;
  • Customer Service that has a highly qualified technician to help mechanics both in the diagnosis and to find the correct part for the vehicle.


"Niterra sees the workshops as partners and always seeks to evolve this relationship more and more in these more than 60 years in Brazil. It is a long-standing alliance that reinforces our commitment to the automotive repair market.", emphasizes Mori.

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