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Niterra, owner of the brands NGK and NTK, lista 5 riscos de fazer a manutenção do veículo em casa

11 Dec 2023
3 min reading

Company warns about very common problems associated with the practice of self-repair

São Paulo, dezembro de 2023 – There is a trend among automotive enthusiasts today - influenced by TV shows and streaming platforms - to carry out the maintenance of your vehicles on your own, At home. Attentive to this movement, Niterra, Japanese multinational owner of the NGK and NTK brands and specialized in components for ignition systems and automotive sensors, warns about five very common problems associated with the practice of self-repair:

1- Damage to the vehicle's electronic systems: Today's cars are equipped with high-tech on board, making in-depth technical knowledge required to make repairs. Lack of this know-how can result in damage to the vehicle's electronic systems;

2- Lack of high-cost diagnostic equipment: The diagnostic process often requires the use of specialized equipment, as scanners, Oscilloscopes & Multimeters. These devices are expensive and essential for accurately identifying problems;

3- Use of inappropriate tools: Some maintenance requires specific tools dedicated to certain models or engines, the cost of which can be high. The use of inappropriate tools may result in damage to the car's components;

4- Unnecessary replacement of parts: The popularity of maintenance videos on social media has led to a trend of replacing parts without proper need. Noble materials and complex manufacturing processes make some components more expensive, and improper replacement can significantly increase repair costs;

5- Safety risks and standards not followed: Jobs Involving Fuel, electricity, lifting loads and ergonomics require the application of specific safety standards and the use of Personal Protective Equipment (Ppe). Non-compliance with these standards can put safety at risk.


Good Maintenance Practices

To be aligned with maintenance best practices, The driver should always seek the assistance of a trusted mechanic. However, The automotive enthusiast can perform important basic inspections, such as in relation to the level of engine oil and power steering oil, Brake and cooling fluid level, Operation of lights, Arrows, “Moisture causes problems in the ignition system, and tyre pressure and wear. The coolant reservoir (radiator) It should not be opened with the engine warmed up because there are risks of accidents - All Reservoirs, indeed, must be closed correctly.

"A lot of vehicles have, on the instrument panel, a revision indicator, usually by mileage or time, and even if maintenance is carried out independently, It is recommended to program the panel. In this way, The alert of the next review is not lost", destaca Hiromori Mori, Technical Assistance Consultant at Niterra do Brasil.

"For more complex interventions, in-depth knowledge and specialized tools are needed, That's why you don't want to try this kind of maintenance at home.", alert Mori. "We should note that modern automobiles use oils (Engine/Transmission, Brake and Cooling Fluid) and the use of out-of-specification products may cause damage to the engine. In addition to all these precautions, We must promote the correct disposal of waste so as not to cause environmental damage."

Maintenance of ignition components and sensors

In the event of signs of increased fuel consumption, Both the ignition and injection systems must be observed. Products such as candles, cabos e bobinas que integram o sistema de ignição devem ser inspecionados conforme o plano de manutenção do veículo ou a cada 10 mil quilômetros. Oxygen sensors, rotation, temperature, MAP, TPS & Speed, that are part of the injection system, They must be inspected annually or when the vehicle has any fault.

Niterra has a wide range of components for the ignition system and sensors supplied to the aftermarket, respectively, by the NGK and NTK brands. The company also provides a quick consultation on its website www.ngkntk.com.br to identify the correct parts for each type of vehicle and avoid problems during maintenance.

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