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Start-stop system requires special care with ignition system

10 Dec 2021
2 min reading

The demand for cars equipped with a start-stop system has increased considerably in recent years. This technology, that turns off the vehicle's engine when it is stopped in traffic jams, brings as main advantages to fuel economy, que segundo estudos podem variar de 5 a 20% nas condições de uso urbano, and the reduction in the level of carbon dioxide emissions. NGK technicians, ignition system specialist brand, However, make an alert: for everything to work correctly, preventive maintenance of components such as spark plugs is required., cables and coil. Otherwise, battery and starter life may be compromised.

In normal use condition, a vehicle gives, average, de 5 a 10 partidas por dia. With the system activated, depending on traffic conditions, esse número pode aumentar significativamente. That is why, according to NGK Technical Assistance Consultant, Hiromori Mori, the driver must always be aware of the operation of the ignition system, which becomes much more demanding. "If it is not operating correctly, the engine may have difficulties to start up. The start is a critical moment for the ignition system, that's why, it is necessary to check the conditions of the sails, cables and coils to avoid any problems in the future", alert.

On vehicles that do not have special spark plug technology, the use of G-Power spark plugs, platinum, e Iridium IX, of iridium – NGK's aftermarket products – are also recommended, as they have excellent ignition and facilitate vehicle starting.

Without previous warning

natural wear items, the spark plugs do not always have their irregular functioning noticed by the driver. Hence the importance of periodic review. "Current engines are increasingly technological and prepared to work in adverse conditions, especially when there is failure onset. When the car owner realizes something is wrong, it's a sign that this has been happening for some time", says the NGK expert.

In addition to avoiding problems, preventive maintenance is good for the pocket. Excessively worn spark plugs can reduce the life of other components such as cables., coils and catalysts. The cost of repair is generally much higher than if preventive care were adopted. A NGK recomenda a inspeção das velas a cada 10 mil quilômetros ou conforme recomendação da montadora.


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