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Heavy road traffic can harm car components

10 Dec 2021
1 min reading

Heavy traffic on the roads, common on holidays and the first days of the year, can be harmful to the vehicle. According to NGK, reference company in ignition systems, this is because, although the car remains stationary, or engine continues to run. That is why, It is extremely important to review the ignition components after the holiday trip..

"Many times the driver is only based on the mileage to carry out the reviews, what is not correct. In cases of heavy traffic, for example, the mileage is not changed, but the components keep working under severe conditions", explains Hiromori Mori, NGK Technical Assistance Consultant.

According to the expert, preventive review avoids difficulties when starting, excessive fuel consumption, failures during resumptions and increased levels of pollutant emissions. "Due to technological evolution, the engines are conditioned to work in adverse situations, which prevents the driver from noticing the fault at first. Thus, when the car owner identifies the problem it is already at a more advanced stage and, most likely, it has already harmed other important components".

Among the parts that can suffer wear due to heavy traffic are the items of the ignition system, like candles, cables and coils. "Sail inspection is done very quickly. Only with the visual analysis of the component is it possible to identify important problems. That is why, it must be prioritized at the time of the review", advises Hiromori.

Another positive point of the preventive review, as per NGK's Technical Assistance consultant, is the fact that this type of service is, in general, cheaper than the maintenance itself. "According to some industry research, the repair value is, in general, 30% more expensive than inspection", says Hiromori Mori who completes: "Furthermore, the check guarantees more safety to the driver, who does not run the risk of being without a car in a time of need".


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